11:30 AM Registration Opens
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Welcome - Caleb Stitely, GWBAA President
1:10 PM NBAA Update - Doug Carr, NBAA Sr. VP, Safety, Security,
Sustainability, and International Operations
1:30 PM IAD Tower Update - Luke Dosier, Certified Professional
Controller, FAA IAD ATC Tower
2:15 PM Airbus Presentation - Adrien Chamberaud, Skywise Core
3:00 PM Break
3:30PM Promoting Mental Health and Enhancing Safety in Every Flight
Department - Gary Webb, Operations Advisor, AviationManuals and
Kathleen A. Yodice, Esq., Law Offices of Yodice Associates
4:15 PM Flight Safety Foundation Update - Paige Kroner, Manager Member
Relations, Flight Safety Foundation
5:00 PM Happy Hour